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256 Area Code | WhitePages
256 area code
256 Area Code CaliforniaArea Code Reverse Lookup for country code.
Area Code Listing, by Number
Area codes directory by state. Tell us how we're doing Help make better: CONTACT US
State Area Codes - - States.
Area Code Listing, by Number. The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that area code; this originated as the city in which the switch computer
205 is the North American telephone area code for western and central Alabama, including the cities of Birmingham and Tuscaloosa. It was created in 1947 as the sole
Free search for (256) phone numbers in Alabama (including cities ).
State Area Codes - - States. 256 Area Code - : Location.
Map of Area Codes in Alabama. AL Area Codes. Single Area Code Multiple Area Codes Area Code Boundary
Country Code +256
256 area code
Area code 205 - Wikipedia, the free.
256 area code locations, including a complete list of the cities that use this area code and a map marking the coverage. Answers the question of where is the 256 area
Area Codes in Alabama - Below are all the area codes in Alabama. Clicking on an area code will show the cities in that area code. 205 251 256 334
Area Code Reverse Lookup Results The International Country Calling Code "256" corresponds to the following countries:
